IT’S THE COOLEST TIME OF THE YEAR IN AC! | | | Authentic holiday fun is coming to town! The Atlantic City Tinseltown Holiday Experience will light up the resort with festive events, pop-up lounges, tree displays, holiday shows, and extraordinary shopping! Don’t miss the kick-off events on Nov. 22, Winter Wonderland Parade (Dec. 7), Holiday Market & Gingerbread Village (Dec. 14 & 15), and more! It’s the coolest time to visit, stay and play in AC! | | | 'DISNEY ON ICE' NOV. 21-24 | Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy bring the party to Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall from Nov. 21-24, remixing Disney musical favorites during this modern-day twist on classic stories! | | | | ATLANTIC CITY TATTOO EXPO | | | | ATLANTIC CITY VISITORS GUIDE | | | Your guide to Atlantic City's best entertainment, attractions, and accommodations! | | | Atlantic City Convention & Group Sales is represented in Canada by Discover the World 21-2020 Winston Park Drive - Oakville, ON L6H 6X7 1-800-648-7014, | | | | | Meet AC received funding through a grant from the New Jersey Department of State, Division of Travel and Tourism. | | | |  | | |