Sata Azores Airlines Procedure on Data Protection
← Back May 15, 2021
Dear Travel Agent,
SATA Azores Airlines would like to bring to your attention that some information was detected in reservations, in the free text entries, which contain personal information and which goes against the GDPR rules (ex: SROTHS / RM). Therefore, the information about the state of health or other sensitive information that may contains personal data of passengers, in addition to those already required by the company and with its specific GDS entries (eg DOCS / MEDA) cannot be placed in the reservations, etc.). Failure to do so may result in the reservation being cancelled.
Also, please be informed that the insertion of an SSR OTHS or RM will not trigger any visibility in the flight management, therefore this information in PNR does not bring any benefit in this sense.
Please be reminded that travel agents are equally responsible for the protection of passengers' personal data.
The above information are found in our trade website at
We thank you for your attention and cooperation.